Furniture for restaurants, disko and bar by individual project

Информация за произвежданите от нас Furniture for restaurants, disko and bar by individual project

When we produce furniture for restaurants, disko and bar we know that in fact the taste we have to satisfy is much broader, because it includes both that of our customer and that of yours! That is why the models offered here can be changed or made individually for each client, according to the needs of the interior, the business and your wishes. It is only necessary to prepare architectural readings, on the basis of which we will prepare an offer and produce the desired product, taking into account the design with all the specifics, sizes and desired style. As after production, the dimensions will be taken again and compared with the set ones. We believe that beauty is important, but quite insufficient when it comes to furniture for restaurants, so we skillfully and carefully make each sofa or armchair so that it is suitable for intense workload. For this purpose: the constructions are reinforced, the foam has a high volume weight, the upholstery and / or the leather are highly durable, in accordance with the overall vision of a given object.

You choose - we make!

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